I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Tube or Not to Tube...

My son had a doctor's appointment yesterday -- to check on his last ear infection, to make sure it had cleared up.

He now has two ear infections and the beginning stages of pink eye.

Good news is that since we caught it early, after 24 hours of eye drops (2 in each eye, 3 times a day!) he will be okay and not contagious. Thank goodness... I'm supposed to host a gathering at my house on Sunday with a lot of other kiddos and I don't want to risk it if there was the slightest chance he would be contagious.

(But to all my Momma friends out there, don't worry. I'm going to wait until my son is on antibiotics for 24 hours and my daughter is symptom free for 48 hours - then I will reevaluate as to whether or not I need to reschedule the party. So I'll post an update on Wednesday night.)

So first the good news: I get to spend the day with my boyo. Bad news: I have to spend the day disinfecting my entire house.

And the really bad news: the doctor mentioned that horrible word - myringotomy. For those of you who aren't doctors, that means ear tube surgery. The argument is since he has two ear infections now, right after having 1 three weeks ago, one in December, one in July, and one in June, the doctor wants us to think about putting tubes in his ears like we did with our daughter.

I really hope we don't have to, but if it will make him feel better... I don't know. Poor little guy. For those of you who don't know, he stopped breathing when he was 5 weeks old and spent a week on a ventilator in PICU. Since then he has had chest xrays, bracheotymies, a heart echo, and an acid reflux test. He's been on steroids since he was 3 months old and takes an albuterol inhaler 4 times a day. He's been poked and prodded so much in his young life; I hate to add to it.

But I know that it will make him better. It made a world of difference with our daughter. But, quite honestly, I don't know if I have the strength to go through another procedure again.

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