I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cool Little People, Part II

As promised....

My son is the coolest little dude that I know. He is so happy, it makes me worry sometimes that he has some sort of disorder. (Except between the hours of 12 to 5 am - then he's a screamer).

He always has a smile on his face, and he loves to toddle over to me and put his head on my lap if I'm sitting or hug my leg if I'm standing. He claps his hands when he sees something exciting (and everything is exciting when you are 1!), and he loves to shout out his random babblings to remind me that he is there... as if I could forget!

Now that he is an official toddler, his personality is starting to shine through. He has one of the best personalities ever - I categorize it as constant, cheerful wonderment. He loves to look up, always with an expression of amazement on his face. He points to the sky, or trees, or lights, and shouts out "ICBLAT!" which I have translated into "I see that!" We call him our little monkey, because he is constantly "ooo" ing and "aaaa"ing and shrieking with delight.

He is also a blur of motion. The only time he is still is when he is strapped into his car seat, and even then he is kicking his feet or waving his hands around, babbling constantly. (The boy is determined to be heard!) At home, he climbs onto whatever he can, and if there is a door left open, he is out before you can blink. He gets frustrated because he can't go as fast as he wants -- often times, he knocks himself down because his upper body is going faster than his little legs are.

I'm surprised at how musical he is - he gets that from his daddy, though, so I shouldn't be. He loves to babble out songs (well, they are songs to him), and he loves to play with his musical toys - the xylophone, the keyboard, and the baby guitar. He dances whenever he hears music, but keep in mind that dancing to him is bending your knees, bouncing up and down, and waving your hands in the air. Even his laughter is musical - I love to tickle him after his bath so I can hear it.

He is so loving too - he gives hugs and blows kisses all the time, often shouting "MWAH!" whenever he sees his daddy or I. And he adores his big sister. He is constantly toddling over to her, wanting to play with her (even when she doesn't want him to), or he is following her around and watching and mimicking her movements. He wants to do everything she does, so the 18 months development she has on him is not going to stop him; he's determined.

He is at that stage now where he understands the word "no," but doesn't understand if you are serious when you say it. The "I'm gonna do it anyway," smile that slowly creeps over his face when you tell him no is one of the best things I've ever seen - it actually lights him up from within. And he relishes our reactions to things - every time he throws his dinner on the ground and his daddy groans, my boy claps his hands in delight; and every time he tries to kill himself with some new dare devil trick, and I sigh his name, he shrieks happily and stomps his feet.

I adore my two cool little people!

1 comment:

  1. I missed this one earlier this week. And, yes, your two little kiddos are pretty darned cool!


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