I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beautiful Blogger

My friend Katie at http://whybother-kekibird.blogspot.com/ (check her out, she has a great voice and is absolutely hilarious with an adorable lil man) posted this and I decided to take up the challenge!

First, the rules!

1.Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award & place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Share 7 interesting things about yourself

Now it's time to share 7 interesting things about myself. Well, I'm not sure I can think of 7 interesting things, but I'll give it a shot...

1. I am an organized soul. Not just a-sort-the-mail-when-I-come-home-organized soul, but an alphabatize the spice rack, my clothes are hanging by color in my closet, food is placed in my pantry by expiration date organized soul. The fact that my children think that it's hilarious to dump their toys in a pile causes my organized soul to gasp in pain....

2. I wanted 5 kids. Now that I have two.... I think I'm done after 3.

3. I was determined to be President when I grew up. Yes, of the United States. Teaching American Government is better (or I'm still trying to convince myself of that, I'm not sure).

4. I have a tattoo - a Celtic Cross with the claddagh as the circle of life. The tattoo is on my back, to the left of the small of my back. I designed it myself when I was 15 and then carried the drawing around in my wallet for 4 years, until I could scrounge up the courage to get it. It was totally worth it. And I got it before tattoos became popular.

5. I dreamed about my children before I knew I was pregnant. That is actually how my daughter got her name - it means vision. Both of my children were two in my dreams and their personalities were as clear as day - what they looked like, what their names were, how they behaved. Last week I had a dream that I had two year old twin girls... when I told my husband, he swore he was never going to touch me again.

6. I have been working on a children's book for 10 years. It's tentatively titled the Fairy Tree and its about a little girl who is half fairy and half human and how she has to avert a war of power in the sidhe (fairyland). I started writing it after the fairies whispered the story in my ear one night when I was dreaming. Still, I have the worst case of writer's block.

7. I am 30 years old and I am just now learning how to cook. I enjoy the challenge and now that I have a family, I don't mind cooking. I used to hate it, because it made my kitchen messy and I dislike eating leftovers. But now, its not so bad... I enjoy trying out new recipes and seeing how I can change them so that my husband or children will like them better. And I don't think I'm half bad as a chef either... still, it takes about 2 tries before I'm happy with a recipe...

Okay, that's me! Learn anything new?

And now, the challenge: I want you to take this award and write about yourself. Go on, you know you wanna! Take it, go on! I think you're a beautiful reader, so why not take this and become a beatiful blogger too!


  1. Shannon: As long as I've known you, I didn't realize how much we have in common. Ok, almost 30 and just NOW learning to cook (hell I had to create a blog just to encourage myself to do it), I always wanted a happy busy full house, and been working on a book for ages now... I too suck at writer's block (even though my blog doesn't show any signs of that). HUGS!

  2. i was right about what the tattoo is of!!!!! I WIN! :D


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