I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thank You

Thank you to my husband, who, last night when he saw blood in our son's ear after the baby's nap, calmly said, "Have you seen the baby's ear?" instead of screaming like a little girl (which is what I wanted to do).

Thank you to our pediatrician, who recently decided to have evening hours. Your decision to stay open until 8 pm Monday through Thursday probably saved me 3 hours in the Urgent Care Clinic, and kept me from having to make an extra trip to follow up with you later, when you were open.

Thank you to the pharmacist at Target, who only sighed when my husband ran up to the counter at 7:59, instead of pretending not to see him. We know you close at 8. We are sorry we were that annoying customer who shows up right when you think you are done with your shift. Thank you for filling my son's prescription. And thank you for biting your tongue when I asked if we could have a discount. I deserved the glare you sent my way.

Thank you to the person who invented Amoxicillin, whoever you are. Your wonderous invention allowed my son to sleep last night, instead of crying every 30 minutes. And because of your brilliance, I was able to sleep too.

And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, thank you to Ponte Winery. Your smooth, flowery Merlot calmed my frazzled nerves and helped me relax after a stressful and scary evening that started when my son woke up from his nap with blood coming from his ear.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, would have freaked and I kinda did for you when I read this had happened. Blood in any form SUCKS when it's coming from your kids. Big hugs to the baby boy!


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