I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My daughter has been pretty demanding lately. Well, more demanding than normal. Momma has to get her out of the car. Daddy has to take her shoes off. Momma has to make dinner. Daddy has to blow dry her hair. Momma has to get the pillows out of the closet. Daddy has to take care of brother.

And heaven help you if you try to mix it up and not follow her directions.

Today, my husband got the pillows for her out of the closet (they are kept there because of our incontinent cat who hates us). My daughter had told me to get the pillows, but I was in the bathroom when I got the demand, so my husband took care of it.

My daughter THREW. A. FIT. And the pillows. At her father. And then told him, enunciating perfectly:

"DAMMIT Daddy! Momma get the pillows."

I probably shouldn't have laughed. And I probably should start watching my mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Jake's the same. He'll be that cussing 2nd grader I hated teaching.


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