I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I walked out of work today for the last time.

Finals are graded. Classroom is clean. Keys turned in. There is nothing left for me there.

And I feel.... finally at peace with the circumstances.

I'm still a little sad. I'm still a lot scared.

I had an epiphany as to why I was so panicked before. Actually, my husband had it. With a sprinkle of my sister's wisdom too. And a side of a good friend butt kicking, stop-feeling-sorry-for-yourself talking to.

When I called my sister hysterical, and I told her: "I just taught my last class!" her retort was "No, you didn't. You just taught your last class at your job. You will teach again."

And my good friend said: "Stop thinking of this as permanent. It's not. You are home for now. And you define the 'now.'"

And my husband said: "Of course you are upset. You define yourself as a teacher. And now you aren't one. Now you can be whatever you want."

So......I'm a blank slate. And I get to define 'now.'

I'm getting T-shirts made with these two sayings.


  1. Woo Hoo! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. If I were you I'd be something fun, like a pirate. ARGGGG

  3. This is a couple of your favorite students. We found a link to this site when we searched your name on facebook. :D (Speaking of, are we allowed to friend you yet?... :P) We're going to miss you so so SO much Mrs. Gerlach! So many of our favorite moments at school happened in your classroom. :) We love you and wish you luck with whatever you choose to do. You rock Mrs Gerlach! Just remember, have a great life and don't do anything stupid. ;)

    PS... Can I get one of those shirts? :P


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