I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why My Son Wants Me To Put Him To Bed Every Night

I work from home, so that means that I'm with my kids all day long. So when the school year started, my husband and I decided (that is, I decreed) my husband would bathe and put our children to bed 5 nights a week so they can have "Daddy time" and I can have "Me time."

Lately, though, my son has been refusing to go to bed unless I read him Sleeping Beauty and Good Night Moon. I love spending time with my son, but I was curious to know what had happened to my "Me time." So I listened the other night as my husband put Boyo to bed:

"Sleeping Beauty? Again?! Okay," my husband sighed. "Once upon a time there was a king and queen and they had a baby. Three old lady fairies came and wanted to give her gifts. She got beauty and song. Then the mean fairy Maleficent showed up and said the princess Aurora would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die, which is really lame. The third old lady fairy said she wouldn't die, she would just go to sleep -- which is what you need to do. The three old lady fairies took the baby away. Everyone was so sad.

"Sixteen years later the three old lady fairies made a mess in the cottage and the princess was dancing with the animals because she was weird. Then Prince Philip came out of the bushes because he's a stalker and danced with her. Then the princess went back to the castle with the three old ladies. Maleficent showed up and told the Princess to touch the spinning wheel and she did it because she couldn't think for herself. The three old lady fairies put everyone to sleep and then went to get Prince Philip. Prince Philip killed Maleficent and kissed Sleeping Beauty and they lived happily ever after. The end, good night."

My son pulled his binky out of his mouth, glared at my husband, and demanded: "MOMMA!"

I get the shift in bed time routine now.

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