I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Round Two


'"The time has come," the Walrus said... " (L. Carroll)

This is it. We're potty training the boy.

We were going to try the Three Day Potty Training Method. But several things convinced us that this might not be the best method for us:

1. I'm pregnant. And the amount of patience that I do have will not fill up a thimble.

2. The 3 Day Method calls for staying inside for two days with no TV. Well, you can go outside for an hour on day two and for two hours on Day 3. But still... Boyo starts to go crazy if we don't get him out of our house by 10 am every day. So 3 days, basically stuck inside, seems like a suicide mission.

3. He doesn't fit on toilet training potty seats. He's large and if we sit him on a toilet ring or a potty chair, he can't put his pee down; there's just not enough room. But he's still only two, so he doesn't fit on the adult toilet seat either without spreading his legs really wide.

4. He all ready gets it. He sees his sister use the toilet. He tells me when he is going potty or has to go potty. He runs to sit on the potty and then demands a sticker. So I don't see the need for a 3 day method.

So we started yesterday. When we are home, he wears underpants. (And they are so cute!) So far, we have had one accident and two successful potty trips. When we go out, he wears pull ups (which we call outside underwear). And he still wears a diaper to bed.

I say, "Tell Momma if you have to go potty," about once a minute. And he does. Sometimes we make it, sometimes we don't. When we go out, he looks at me and says "Potty" clear as day.

He still hasn't made it to a potty out of our house, but that will come with time. And he still hasn't gone number 2 in anything but his "Outside Underpants" but that will come too.

Our methods might not be what works for everyone, nor will some people agree with us. After all, we are breaking the cardinal rule: Once you start potty training, you can't go back to diapers/pull ups. You know what? I don't care.

I'm much more relaxed about this than I was with Girlie.

1 comment:

  1. I went back and forth with Pull up with my one daughter. I still do at night because she still has the occasional accident and although I don't care if we are home (well except for the waking up of me and having to change sheets etc) if we are gone to visit relatives or camping I can't afford an accident! So I don't think it's wrong at all. It's what works for your family!


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