I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Monday, October 4, 2010

I love...

... the look of delight that comes over my daughter's face when I hand her a baggie full of cereal.
...the look of delight that comes over my son's face when he shakes all the cereal in his baggie onto the ground.

... how my son will run into the rain, screaming, "Run! Run! Wa-Wa! Wa-Wa!"
... how my daughter will stand in the doorway, saying, "Come inside before you get your hair wet!"

... when my daughter climbs up next to me to pet my hair.
... when my son climbs up on my lap and pulls my hair.

...that my son gets up in the morning and goes to his sister's room and knocks before he looks up at me hopefully and says, "Sissy?"
...that my daughter will run into her room and shut her door, yelling for her brother to go away, that she needs "alone time!"

...days where my daughter and son sit on the same couch cushion, arms around each other, giggling as they take turns kissing each other.
...days where my husband and I each have to take a kid out alone, because the two of them are fighting like alley cats.

...dinner time when my daughter turns to me and says, "Momma, feed me like a baby."
...dinner time when my son climbs up on my lap and sticks his hand in my potatoes.

... asking my daughter if she needs privacy when she goes to the bathroom and she tells me, "No, just go away."
... asking my son if he needs a diaper change and chasing him all over the house to take care of that task.

...bedtime, when my daughter takes my hand and says, "You can lie with me, okay, Momma?"
...bedtime, when my son hides behind his chair and giggles like I can't see him to tuck him into bed.

... family movie night, when my daughter will cuddle up next to me on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn.
... family movie night, when my son ignores us and plays with his trucks.

... the look of admiration people shoot to my kids when they are being well behaved at church.
... the look of sympathy people shoot my way when my kids are being wild monkeys at the store.

...going to the zoo so my daughter can sit on the bench and watch the birds drink water from their pond.
... going to the zoo and restraining my son in my arms to keep him from going into the pond to get the birds.

... getting in the car, so my kids are in their own seats and can't touch me for five minutes.
... getting out of the car and carrying my sweet, sleeping babies to their rooms for naptime.

...reading to my daughter and having her try to sound out the words.
...reading to my son and not being able to finish because he takes the book from my hands, turns it upside down, and hands it back to me.

...my son's sweet smile as he puts his head on my lap and says, "Hi."
...my daughter's brilliant smile when she looks up from her games and says, "I love you Momma."

... my kids.

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