I have documented the epic battle my daughter and I are engaged in over pottytraining.
I'm losing.
But all hope is not lost. I may have lost some battles, but I have until September to win the war.
September is when she starts PreK.
And she simply HAS to be pottytrained.
And then... it happened.
Today, after I pulled on her pull up, she looked up at me with her big green/blue/gray/brown eyes (they are in the process of changing), and said,
"Momma, I'm going peepee RIGHT NOW!"
She didn't want to sit on the potty. She didn't want me to change her. She didn't want to do anything but tell me.
Still, I wanted to do a happy dance. Because the fact that she told me at all is a step in the right direction, right?
Only 144 more days left to fight the war... and I'm finally making head way.
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