The day has finally come.
My daughter is giving up the binky.
Like I said, I'm not ready.
Since there are not 12 Step Binky Anonymous programs, my husband and I had to come up with a plan that we thought would work without being completely traumatizing.
She will be a big girl.
For about a week now, we have been talking about how sad Sleeping Beauty is that she has to take a nap without a binky. Last night, we asked our daughter if she would mind letting Sleeping Beauty borrow her bink for a little bit.
If she lets go of the binky, that is the final step towards her growing up.
It will be official.
My daughter was all for it. And not just for Sleeping Beauty. She wanted Cinderella, Princess Tiana, Snow White, Belle, the Beast, and Prince Phillip to get to use it too. So we addressed an envelope to "The Princesses at the Castle," dropped the binky into it, and I "mailed" it this morning.
My daughter seemed fine with this. Sure, tonight will be hard, but I have it on good authority that the Princesses are going to mail her a thank you card, so I am hoping that will help smooth out any problems.
I'm not. I was the one who didn't want her to give it up. I was the one who let her have it. And I know that it is past time she gave it up. I didn't want her to have it to keep her quiet or so I wouldn't have to deal with the tantrum. I wanted her to have it because this is the last attachment she has to her babyhood.
My daughter seemed fine with this. Sure, tonight will be hard, but I have it on good authority that the Princesses are going to mail her a thank you card, so I am hoping that will help smooth out any problems.
Maybe she is ready for this?
I'm not. I was the one who didn't want her to give it up. I was the one who let her have it. And I know that it is past time she gave it up. I didn't want her to have it to keep her quiet or so I wouldn't have to deal with the tantrum. I wanted her to have it because this is the last attachment she has to her babyhood.
If she lets go of the binky, that is the final step towards her growing up.
It will be official.
She will be a big girl.
Like I said, I'm not ready.
Congratulations, u were able to see in a different, very poetical, philosophical point of view, surprising for me...