I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sentence Structure

BabyGirlie is beginning to understand the concept of sentence structure. 

She has moved from "No" being her favorite word to "I WANT IT" being her favorite phrase. 

And last week she realized that "I want it" actually means something. 

So she screams, "I WANT IT" as often as possible, while pointing to the object of her desire. 

And if I say no, because I'm a mean mommy and don't want her to die from a penny, Lego, knife, or whatever else she has decided she wants, the tantrum starts.

It begins with her face slowly crumbling, while she watches me with knowing eyes.

When I don't fall for the face crumble, one or two big, fat tear drops settle on her cheeks.

When I still don't budge, she begins to shake her head violently, screaming, "NO I WANT IT! NO I WANT IT! NO I WANT IT!" This part of the tantrum normally lasts for five minutes if I can't distract her.

Side note - five minutes is a very long time when you are in a grocery store and people are watching you.

After the face crumble, crocodile tears, and five minute scream fest, she stops, gains control of herself, and then puts her sweet little arms up and says, "Mommy up?  Mommy up?  Mommy I want up." 

So I pick her up and soothe.  She snuggles in, gives me a kiss, and pets my face.  And then she says, "Mommy, I see it.  Mommy, I want it."

And round two commences. 

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