I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Just Like Momma

I despise veggies.

And I know I made my parents' lives hell when I was growing up with them trying to get me to eat them.

I would hide peas under my plate and when my mom would clear the table, peas would roll every which way (in my defense, I was three).

I would chew them up and spit them in my water glass, hoping that my parents wouldn't notice. (I was four, okay?!)

I would stuff veggies in my mouth and then ask to go to the bathroom so that I could spit them into the trash can.

When I saw my mom adding pureed veggies to spaghetti sauce when I was six I refused to eat spaghetti sauce for the next five years.

But now I have kids.

So I have to eat my veggies. Drinking V8 just doesn't cut it anymore.

And my daughter is just. like. me.

The other night at dinner, her father and I were begging her to eat her veggies: "Look, honey, they are sooooo good!"

She wasn't buying it.

We threatened her: "You won't get to have dessert."

She decided she could live without jello.

We tried reasoning with her: "If you don't eat them, the dog is going to get them and Katdog is so fat all ready. How would you feel if she ate your food?"

Girlie decided that would make her happy.

Finally I had enough. "You are going to eat one bite of peas, and that is final," I declared.

Girlie glared at me, bit off an 1/8 of a pea, sucked on it, and then spit it into her water glass.

And from 400 miles away, I could hear my mother laughing.

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