I thought I was raising children...

I thought I was raising children...

Monday, July 8, 2013


My kids have been begging to go camping.  They think it will be "so much very much fun, Mommy!"

Yeah, I know it won't.  I grew up camping.  I remember the dirt, the bugs, the sheer work that went into a "vacation."

Still, though, their constant pestering asking has worn me down.  

And a friend mentioned that our city does an neighborhood campout at a nearby park, so I caved and said okay.  One night at a park can't be that bad, right?

Here's the thing though.... we don't have any camping stuff.  And I don't want to break the bank to buy new stuff for a one night event.  Then I remembered our earthquake kit. 

 There is a tent in there.  

A tent that I bought on clearance for $20 at Walmart. 

 I figured that we should set it up before the campout to make sure it was functional.  

I told the kids we were going to have a campout in the living room.  I was immediately awarded "Best Mommy Ever" status.

Everyone got involved in setting this tent up.

It was bigger than our living room.  Sigh.

She was fascinated.

BabyBug taste-tested the stake pin before I could stop her.

I was informed we needed lanterns for camping in our living room -- Dollar Store, here I come.

No sleeping bags?  No problem.  Pillows and bean bags work great.

He was worried about bears coming to eat them.  Polar bears, to be exact.

He didn't even make it until 9pm.

She made it to 10pm.  At that point, I said screw this and carried them both to bed.  Their daddy is doing the campout with them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com


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